Coulmann, Tools and Scripts
This are some of my favorite small tools and scripts, maybe they are helpful for you. Enjoy!
- HOWTO build a ps2dxf-Printer this is part of my cnc/cam related stuff
- radio_rip Records every audio stream your mplayer can read and encode it to every codec sox can handle. So it's one of the chosen few easy possibilities to record real streams
- day_of_month makes it easy to run a script e.g. every first Wednesday of the month
- xseledit makes it easy to edit damn small input fields
- mail_alert makes it easy to send email-remainders
Deprecated Scripts
There is a lot of Latex stuff out there, this are my 2 cent ...
- latex_show A small wrapper to view the result of your latex document easy.
- scrlttr2 One of thousands of ways to use scrlttr2 ...
cnc router related stuff
lx-office related stuff
erp system -> german
If you are interested in getting a e-mail if there are new scripts or updates coming up, mail me on:
scripts at gpl dot coulmann dot de
Wulf Coulmann
Berlin Germany
Fax 030 - 45 02 97 45
E - Mail: scripts at gpl.coulmann dot de
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß
§ 6 MDStV: Wulf Coulmann